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Adding a New Node Into an Existing Scylla Cluster (Out Scale)¶
When you add a new node, another node in the cluster streams data to the new node. This operation is called bootstrapping and may be time-consuming, depending on the data size and network bandwidth. If using a multi-availability-zone, make sure they are balanced.
Before adding the new node, check the node’s status in the cluster using nodetool status command. You cannot add new nodes to the cluster if any nodes are down.
For example:
Datacenter: DC1
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 112.82 KB 256 32.7% 8d5ed9f4-7764-4dbd-bad8-43fddce94b7c B1
DN 91.11 KB 256 32.9% 125ed9f4-7777-1dbn-mac8-43fddce9123e B1
In the example above, the node with the IP address has a status of Down (DN). To proceed, you need to start the node that is down or remove it from the cluster.
Login to one of the nodes in the cluster to collect the following information:
cluster_name -
cat /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml | grep cluster_name
seeds -
cat /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml | grep seeds:
endpoint_snitch -
cat /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml | grep endpoint_snitch
Scylla version -
scylla --version
Authentication status -
cat /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml | grep authenticator
If authenticator
is set to PasswordAuthenticator
- increase the system_auth
table replication factor.
For example
ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : <new_replication_factor>};
It is recommended to set system_auth
replication factor to the number of nodes in each DC.
Install Scylla on a new node. See Getting Started for further instructions - follow the Scylla installation procedure up to
configuration phase. Make sure that the Scylla version of the new node is identical to the other nodes in the cluster.If the node starts during the process, follow What to do if a Node Starts Automatically.
Make sure to use the same Scylla patch release on the new/replaced node, to match the rest of the cluster. It is not recommended to add a new node with a different release to the cluster. For example, use the following for installing Scylla patch release (use your deployed version)
Scylla Enterprise -
sudo yum install scylla-enterprise-2018.1.9
Scylla open source -
sudo yum install scylla-3.0.3
It’s important to keep I/O scheduler configuration in sync on nodes with the same hardware. That’s why we recommend skipping running scylla_io_setup when provisioning a new node with exactly the same hardware setup as existing nodes in the cluster.
- Instead, we recommend to copy the following files from an existing node to the new node after running scylla_setup and restart scylla-server service (if it is already running):
Using different I/O scheduler configuration may result in unnecessary bottlenecks.
In the
file in/etc/scylla/
, edit the following parameters:cluster_name - Specifies the name of the cluster.
listen_address - Specifies the IP address that Scylla used to connect to the other Scylla nodes in the cluster.
endpoint_snitch - Specifies the selected snitch.
rpc_address - Specifies the address for client connections (Thrift, CQL).
seeds - Specifies the IP address of an existing node in the cluster. The new node will use this IP to connect to the cluster and learn the cluster topology and state.
In earlier versions of ScyllaDB, seed nodes assisted in gossip. Starting with Scylla Open Source 4.3 and Scylla Enterprise 2021.1, the seed concept in gossip has been removed. If you are using an earlier version of ScyllaDB, you need to configure the seeds parameter in the following way:
Specify the list of the current seed nodes in the cluster.
Do not list the node you’re adding as a seed node.
See Scylla Seed Nodes for more information.
We recommend updating your ScyllaDB to version 4.3 or later (Open Source) or 2021.1 or later (Enterprise).
Start the ScyllaDB node with the following command:
sudo systemctl start scylla-server
docker exec -it some-scylla supervisorctl start scylla
(with some-scylla container already running)
Verify that the node was added to the cluster using nodetool status command. Another node in the cluster will be streaming data to the new node, so the new node will be in Up Joining (UJ) status. Wait until the node’s status changes to Up Normal (UN) - the time depends on the data size and network bandwidth.
For example:
The node in the cluster is streaming data to the new node:
Datacenter: DC1 Status=Up/Down State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 112.82 KB 256 32.7% 8d5ed9f4-7764-4dbd-bad8-43fddce94b7c B1 UN 91.11 KB 256 32.9% 125ed9f4-7777-1dbn-mac8-43fddce9123e B1 UJ 124.42 KB 256 32.6% 675ed9f4-6564-6dbd-can8-43fddce952gy B1
The node in the cluster has finished streaming data to the new node:
Datacenter: DC1 Status=Up/Down State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 112.82 KB 256 32.7% 8d5ed9f4-7764-4dbd-bad8-43fddce94b7c B1 UN 91.11 KB 256 32.9% 125ed9f4-7777-1dbn-mac8-43fddce9123e B1 UN 124.42 KB 256 32.6% 675ed9f4-6564-6dbd-can8-43fddce952gy B1
When the new node status is Up Normal (UN), use nodetool cleanup cleanup command on all the nodes in the cluster except the new node that has just been added. It will remove keys that no longer belong to the node. Run this command one node at a time. It is possible to postpone this step to low demand hours.
If you are using Scylla Enterprise 2018.1.5 or earlier or Scylla Open source 2.3 or earlier, do not run the
nodetool cleanup
command before upgrading to the latest release of your branch. See this issue for more information.Wait until the new node becomes UN (Up Normal) in the output of nodetool status on one of the old nodes.
If you are using ScyllaDB Open Source 4.3 or later or ScyllaDB Enterprise 2021.1 or later and configure the list of seed nodes to participate in gossip, you can now edit the
files to add the new node as a seed node. You don’t need to restart the Scylla service after modifying the seeds list inscylla.yaml
.If you are using Scylla Monitoring, update the monitoring stack to monitor it. If you are using Scylla Manager, make sure you install the Manager Agent, and Manager can access it.