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ScyllaDB Enterprise Metric Update - ScyllaDB Enterprise 2022.1 to 2022.2¶
ScyllaDB Enterprise 2022.2 Dashboards are available as part of the latest Scylla Monitoring Stack.
New Metrics¶
The following metrics are new in ScyllaDB Enterprise 2022.2 compared to 2022.1:
Metric |
Description |
scylla_cache_rows_compacted_with_tombstones |
Number of rows scanned during write of a tombstone for the purpose of compaction in cache |
scylla_cache_rows_dropped_by_tombstones |
Number of rows dropped in cache by a tombstone write |
scylla_commitlog_active_allocations |
Current number of active allocations. |
scylla_commitlog_blocked_on_new_segment |
Number of allocations blocked on acquiring new segment. |
scylla_commitlog_bytes_flush_requested |
Counts number of bytes requested to be flushed (persisted). |
scylla_commitlog_bytes_released |
Counts number of bytes released from disk. (Deleted/recycled) |
scylla_commitlog_disk_slack_end_bytes |
Holds size of disk space in bytes unused because of segment switching (end slack). A too high value indicates that we do not write enough data to each segment. |
scylla_compaction_manager_completed_compactions |
Holds the number of completed compaction tasks. |
scylla_compaction_manager_failed_compactions |
Holds the number of failed compaction tasks. |
scylla_compaction_manager_normalized_backlog |
Holds the sum of normalized compaction backlog for all tables in the system. Backlog is normalized by dividing backlog by shard’s available memory. |
scylla_compaction_manager_postponed_compactions |
Holds the number of tables with postponed compaction. |
scylla_compaction_manager_validation_errors |
Holds the number of encountered validation errors. |
scylla_cql_authorized_prepared_statements_unprivileged_entries_evictions_on_size |
Counts a number of evictions of prepared statements from the authorized prepared statements cache after they have been used only once. An increasing counter suggests the user may be preparing a different statement for each request instead of reusing the same prepared statement with parameters. |
scylla_cql_select_parallelized |
Counts the number of parallelized aggregation SELECT query executions. |
scylla_cql_unprivileged_entries_evictions_on_size |
Counts a number of evictions of prepared statements from the prepared statements cache after they have been used only once. An increasing counter suggests the user may be preparing a different statement for each request instead of reusing the same prepared statement with parameters. |
scylla_database_reads_shed_due_to_overload |
The number of reads shed because the admission queue reached its max capacity. When the queue is full, excessive reads are shed to avoid overload. |
scylla_database_sstable_read_queue_overloads |
Counts the number of times the sstable read queue was overloaded. A non-zero value indicates that we have to drop read requests because they arrive faster than we can serve them. |
scylla_database_total_reads_rate_limited |
Counts read operations which were rejected on the replica side because the per-partition limit was reached. |
scylla_database_total_writes_rate_limited |
Counts write operations which were rejected on the replica side because the per-partition limit was reached. |
scylla_forward_service_requests_dispatched_to_other_nodes |
How many forward requests were dispatched to other nodes |
scylla_forward_service_requests_dispatched_to_own_shards |
How many forward requests were dispatched to local shards |
scylla_forward_service_requests_executed |
How many forward requests were executed |
scylla_gossip_live |
How many live nodes the current node sees |
scylla_gossip_unreachable |
How many unreachable nodes the current node sees |
scylla_io_queue_adjusted_consumption |
Consumed disk capacity units adjusted for class shares and idling preemption |
scylla_io_queue_consumption |
Accumulated disk capacity units consumed by this class; an increment per-second rate indicates full utilization |
scylla_io_queue_disk_queue_length |
Number of requests in the disk |
scylla_io_queue_starvation_time_sec |
Total time spent starving for disk |
scylla_io_queue_total_delay_sec |
Total time spent in the queue |
scylla_io_queue_total_exec_sec |
Total time spent in disk |
scylla_io_queue_total_read_bytes |
Total read bytes passed in the queue |
scylla_io_queue_total_read_ops |
Total read operations passed in the queue |
scylla_io_queue_total_split_bytes |
Total number of bytes split |
scylla_io_queue_total_split_ops |
Total number of requests split |
scylla_io_queue_total_write_bytes |
Total write bytes passed in the queue |
scylla_io_queue_total_write_ops |
Total write operations passed in the queue |
scylla_node_ops_finished_percentage |
Finished percentage of node operation on this shard |
scylla_per_partition_rate_limiter_allocations |
Number of times a entry was allocated over an empty/expired entry. |
scylla_per_partition_rate_limiter_failed_allocations |
Number of times the rate limiter gave up trying to allocate. |
scylla_per_partition_rate_limiter_load_factor |
Current load factor of the hash table (upper bound, may be overestimated). |
scylla_per_partition_rate_limiter_probe_count |
Number of probes made during lookups. |
scylla_per_partition_rate_limiter_successful_lookups |
Number of times a lookup returned an already allocated entry. |
scylla_reactor_aio_outsizes |
Total number of aio operations that exceed IO limit |
scylla_schema_commitlog_active_allocations |
Current number of active allocations. |
scylla_scheduler_starvetime_ms |
Accumulated starvation time of this task queue; an increment rate of 1000ms per second indicates the scheduler feels really bad |
scylla_scheduler_waittime_ms |
Accumulated waittime of this task queue; an increment rate of 1000ms per second indicates queue is waiting for something (e.g. IO) |
scylla_schema_commitlog_allocating_segments |
Holds the number of not closed segments that still have some free space. This value should not get too high. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_alloc |
Counts number of times a new mutation has been added to a segment. Divide bytes_written by this value to get the average number of bytes per mutation written to the disk. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_blocked_on_new_segment |
Number of allocations blocked on acquiring new segment. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_bytes_flush_requested |
Counts number of bytes requested to be flushed (persisted). |
scylla_schema_commitlog_bytes_released |
Counts number of bytes released from disk. (Deleted/recycled) |
scylla_schema_commitlog_bytes_written |
Counts number of bytes written to the disk. Divide this value by “alloc” to get the average number of bytes per mutation written to the disk. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_cycle |
Counts number of commitlog write cycles - when the data is written from the internal memory buffer to the disk. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_disk_active_bytes |
Holds size of disk space in bytes used for data so far. A too high value indicates that we have some bottleneck in the writing to sstables path. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_disk_slack_end_bytes |
Holds size of disk space in bytes unused because of segment switching (end slack). A too high value indicates that we do not write enough data to each segment. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_disk_total_bytes |
Holds size of disk space in bytes reserved for data so far. A too high value indicates that we have some bottleneck in the writing to sstables path. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_flush |
Counts number of times the flush() method was called for a file. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_flush_limit_exceeded |
Counts number of times a flush limit was exceeded. A non-zero value indicates that there are too many pending flush operations (see pending_flushes) and some of them will be blocked till the total amount of pending flush operations drops below 5. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_memory_buffer_bytes |
Holds the total number of bytes in internal memory buffers. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_pending_allocations |
Holds number of currently pending allocations. A non-zero value indicates that we have a bottleneck in the disk write flow. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_pending_flushes |
Holds number of currently pending flushes. See the related flush_limit_exceeded metric. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_requests_blocked_memory |
Counts number of requests blocked due to memory pressure. A non-zero value indicates that the commitlog memory quota is not enough to serve the required amount of requests. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_segments |
Holds the current number of segments. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_slack |
Counts number of unused bytes written to the disk due to disk segment alignment. |
scylla_schema_commitlog_unused_segments |
Holds the current number of unused segments. A non-zero value indicates that the disk write path became temporary slow. |
scylla_sstables_index_page_cache_bytes_in_std |
Total number of bytes in temporary buffers which live in the std allocator |
scylla_sstables_index_page_evictions |
Index pages which got evicted from memory |
scylla_sstables_index_page_populations |
Index pages which got populated into memory |
scylla_sstables_index_page_used_bytes |
Amount of bytes used by index pages in memory |
scylla_sstables_pi_auto_scale_events |
Number of promoted index auto-scaling events |
scylla_storage_proxy_coordinator_read_rate_limited |
Number of read requests which were rejected by replicas because rate limit for the partition was reached. |
scylla_storage_proxy_coordinator_write_rate_limited |
Number of write requests which were rejected by replicas because rate limit for the partition was reached. |
scylla_storage_proxy_coordinator_writes_failed_due_to_too_many_in_flight_hints |
Number of CQL write requests which failed because the hinted handoff mechanism is overloaded and cannot store any more in-flight hints |
scylla_transport_auth_responses |
Counts the total number of received CQL AUTH messages. |
scylla_transport_batch_requests |
Counts the total number of received CQL BATCH messages. |
scylla_transport_cql_errors_total |
Counts the total number of returned CQL errors. |
scylla_transport_execute_requests |
Counts the total number of received CQL EXECUTE messages. |
scylla_transport_options_requests |
Counts the total number of received CQL OPTIONS messages. |
scylla_transport_prepare_requests |
Counts the total number of received CQL PREPARE messages. |
scylla_transport_query_requests |
Counts the total number of received CQL QUERY messages. |
scylla_transport_register_requests |
Counts the total number of received CQL REGISTER messages. |
scylla_transport_startups |
Counts the total number of received CQL STARTUP messages. |
Removed Metrics¶
The following metrics were removed in ScyllaDB Enterprise 2022.2: